

Lifetime access to Zero at a discounted price for you and your entire team.

$120 per lifetime seat

Lifetime Access

Pro Features Forever Unlimited Seats


Our Promise

We are committed to bringing our roadmap to life as soon as possible. For us it’s a big deal.

Currently Zero offers a comprehensive list of essential features, such as SDK for every stack, collaboration within teams, GraphQL API and more, but we are not stopping there. Here are our goals for the nearest future!

Advanced Analytics

We want to provide you with all the insights into your secret usage so you have complete information and make informed decisions. Our aim is to empower you in understanding how your secrets are accessed, utilized and secured.

Third-Party Integrations

We believe that software should be easy to deploy and scale. We're placing a lot of emphasis to integrate, pivot or merge third party software with the least amount of clicks by creating SDKs and protocols like GraphQL.

Flexible Deployment

We recognize that every organization has its unique infrastructure preferences. Our vision revolves around offering flexible deployment options that fit your specific needs — whether in your chosen cloud environment or on-premises.

End-to-End Encryption

Our utmost priority is to protect your secrets. Our first priority is migrating to End-to-End encryption to make it even more secure. We strive to continue improving our encryption capabilities to keep your secrets safe.

Secure your seat


Price per seat. Each new team member joins for lifetime, for the same price.