

A bucket

Managing Files in Amazon S3 from Node.js

Adding and removing files from S3 is a breeze with the AWS JavaScript SDK.

A pattern of window shades

Monitor a Node.js App with Datadog and Winston

Quickly set up error logging in SvelteKit or any another Node.js-based framework.

An abstract image

Securely Handle Secrets in CI/CD with the Zero GitHub Action

Exchange your Zero token for secrets right from your GitHub Actions YAML.

A chain

CI/CD Integrations Now Live: GitHub Actions, GitLab, Bitbucket

Zero has just launched new integrations for your favorite CI/CD platforms, which allow you to effortlessly sync your secrets.

A sandy beach

Add Error Monitoring to an Express.js App with Rollbar

Stay on top of errors in your Node.js apps to find and fix bugs faster.

A door handle

Use Pusher to Implement Real-Time Notifications

Pusher makes it easy to add pub-sub functionality to your web apps, allowing you to implement chat, notifications, and more.

A 3D render of abstract shapes

Integrating Auth0 with Next.js for Authentication

Quickly set up authentication in a Next.js app with Auth0 so you don't have to code it yourself.

A network of nodes

Integrating Netlify with Zero for Secure Secrets Management

Use the Zero Netlify integration to easily sync your secrets to any Netlify site.

A mailbox

Send Emails from Next.js using SendGrid

Keep your users engaged with transactional email, powered by one of the most popular email services.

A tree in a grassy field

Deploy a Static Website to Amazon Cloudfront with Terraform

Use the Terraform Infrastructure as Code tool to build production-ready infrastructure in AWS.

A cube made of smaller cubes

Build an Email Summary Bot using Claude AI, Gmail, and Slack (Part 2)

Use the Claude AI assistant to summarize emails in just a few lines of code.

A tall office building

Build an Email Summary Bot using Claude AI, Gmail, and Slack (Part 1)

Integrate with the Gmail Push Notifications API to enable your app to intelligently respond to new emails.